Did you know Virtual Receptionist offers logo design services?

Tips on Designing a Better Logo


All companies should have their own logo that was designed just for them. The logo of your company can be one of the most important aspects; it can communicate a lot about the company to customers. On all of your business materials, online and in print, your logo should be prevalent. This means it will have countless people looking at it, many of whom don’t know anything else about your business yet. You want your logo to say good things about your company. It has to be unique, so it can’t be mistaken as anyone else’s, yet not so unusual as to drive away business or make anyone question your judgement. You should strive for a perfect balance between individuality and classic design.


Probably the most important thing to remember when designing a logo is to keep it simple. You don’t want it to be so plain that it’s boring, but overdoing the design to be too complex is the ultimate sin. You should also make sure it’s going to be both effective and appropriate. The logo should be memorable, so viewers know it’s yours just with one glance, and it should appeal particularly to the audience of whatever industry you’re in. Do research on the logos from some other companies in your same industry to see what works and what doesn’t work. Never imitate other logos, however, as it gives the impression that your business isn’t authentic. Stick with a simple design that’s unique while also communicating your sense of style.

Click Here to see Some Examples of Simple Yet Effective Logos


As mentioned, keep it simple and effective. Research what is trending in logos at the moment, but also remember to make it “future proof,” meaning it could still be effective years from now. Avoid the obvious logos, such as a picture of the world for an international company. And it might go without saying, but never use clip art. The point of designing a logo is to make it unique to the company it’s representing. By using clip art or a free image from the internet, you’re implying that your company has no creative drive. Think about what your company specializes in and make several sketches of potential logos. After you’ve done that, choose a few of your favorite and look at just those ones. Get the opinion of your employees, friends, and other people you trust to help narrow it down to the most effective and timeless choice.

A great logo is timeless and simple.

Click Here to See Some Stunning Logo Designs


The font you use for the text is a key part of most logos. It’s important to match the quality and style of the font to the quality and style of the design. It’s also important to stick with just one font for a logo; bringing in two or more fonts can make your logo too complicated and harder to read at one glance. When choosing the color of the text, you need to be sure it stands out enough to be easily read yet still matches the color scheme of the design. Instead of having a design separate from font, you can also consider using a font-only logo and incorporating something unique into the negative space. For example, in the FedEx logo, an arrow is created where the “E” and “x” meet. The negative space of your design is valuable and should be used to your advantage.

Use negative space to your advantage in a logo.

Click Here to See Some Beautiful Logo Fonts


Contact us today to talk more about our Logo Design Services, which can also be purchased in tandem with a custom website for your business!

To recap the most important aspects of logo design:

  • Keep it simple
  • Be unique, never copy
  • Match the font to the design
  • Take Advantage of negative space
  • Make it memorable