The Importance of Good Lead Conversion

YOU NEED A MARKETING PLAN centered on LEAD CONVERSION  Lead conversion is the process of converting a lead into a contact and, eventually, into revenue. In terms of online business, it’s the process of ensuring that a good percentage of website visitors become customers, thus driving sales. Inevitably, not everyone who visits your site will buy […]

Online Reviews Can Make or Break Your Business

WHY POSITIVE ONLINE REVIEWS ARE SO IMPORTANT If you’re a business owner, then you already know the importance of online reviews. One bad review can send your company into the abyss, while one positive review can send people clamoring for your business. Why are those reviews so important? We can break it down into 3 […]

Search Engine Marketing and a Virtual Receptionist

THE BENEFITS OF SEARCH ENGINE PLACEMENT   If you have a business and are looking to compete in the modern market, it’s integral that you have a well-established online presence. And once you have a virtual receptionist in place to field your calls, the sky’s the limit in terms of the potential customers you can […]

Save Money With a Virtual Receptionist

THE MONEY YOU CAN SAVE USING A VIRTUAL RECEPTIONIST   One of the most expensive aspects of your business (that many people do not account for) is the costs associated with bringing in new clients. There are many ways to go about this, but in the modern age, it is typically limited to phone calls […]