save money with a virtual receptionist

Save Money With a Virtual Receptionist



One of the most expensive aspects of your business (that many people do not account for) is the costs associated with bringing in new clients. There are many ways to go about this, but in the modern age, it is typically limited to phone calls and internet interactions. This is why using a virtual receptionist to help with acquiring clients has become such a popular choice. In this article, we’ll explore the various ways you’ll save money with a virtual receptionist.


Lower Recruitment Costs

One of the first ways you’ll save money by using a virtual receptionist is through lower recruitment costs. If you hire a receptionist to help field calls and direct customers, you’ll need to go through the all-too-familiar and often dreaded hiring process. You’ll look through a stack of resumes, bring people in for interviews, and then hope they turn up for the paid training. Even after all of these steps, people that you hire can turn out to be poor workers, wasting a great deal of your time and money.

You won’t have to bother with any of this with Real Time Receptionist. We give you access to trained, professional virtual receptionists without the typical recruitment fees.


24/7 Client Services

A great portion of a worker’s day in a business office can be spent just simply educating and redirecting calls from potential clients. While nobody would like to turn a client away, this happens from time to time when you’re completely inundated with work. When you have a virtual receptionist, your customers will have access to someone representing your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your virtual receptionist can provide comfort to clients, while relaying calls and emails to the proper outlets within your business.


Freed Valuable Resources

One of the biggest problems businesses face is having an abundance of incoming calls yet not having enough resources to hire a full-time, in-house receptionist. As a result, highly skilled workers are coming into the office just to man the phones and take calls from people who may or may not even require expert advice. This wastes a tremendous amount of time and resources. A virtual receptionist from Real Time Receptionist will give you the ability to free up valuable workers with specialized skills, so they can focus on what they do best.

With a live answering service, your business can bring in clients, satisfy their needs, and secure their future business with more ease.