Get More Clients with a Virtual Receptionist

CAPTURE MORE LEADS WITH A VIRTUAL RECEPTIONIST VIRTUAL RECEPTIONIST SERVICES As we continue on into the ever advancing digital age, and people turn to the internet for answers to all their needs, competition for customers becomes fiercer. As a business owner, you must consider anything and everything to be a potential avenue for increasing sales. The […]

The Importance of Good Lead Conversion

YOU NEED A MARKETING PLAN centered on LEAD CONVERSION  Lead conversion is the process of converting a lead into a contact and, eventually, into revenue. In terms of online business, it’s the process of ensuring that a good percentage of website visitors become customers, thus driving sales. Inevitably, not everyone who visits your site will buy […]

Why Every Business Should Leverage Social Media

HOW SOCIAL MEDIA CAN HELP A SMALL BUSINESS In today’s world, social media is an important part of business life. While pervasive social media campaigns are usually associated with large, well-established businesses, small businesses can also benefit from utilizing Facebook, Instagram, and other popular sharing sites.   SPREADING THE WORD Social media functions essentially as […]