The Power of the Testimonial

ASK ALL OF YOUR HAPPY CLIENTS FOR A TESTIMONIAL Before purchasing a product or service, potential buyers want to determine if the intended purchase is a good value for the money. Most customers will want proof that a product or service is good before spending money on it, especially for more expensive purchases. Many potential […]

Use Business Citations for Better Online Exposure

USE ONLINE BUSINESS CITATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! An online business citation is a mention of your business on another website. For example, sites that offer business listings similar to the Yellow Pages are places where your business can gain free exposure. Your business’s name, address, phone number, and website link can be advertised without cost […]

Get More Exposure Online With a Press Release

A PRESS RELEASE GIVES YOU MORE ONLINE VISIBILITY A press release is a great way to provide more online exposure for your business. It’s a relatively simple thing that anyone can do, and plus, it’s free advertising! A press release is an official release of information from a company to a media organization or any […]

Keeping an Updated Website is Vital to Success

WHY IS MY ONLINE APPEARANCE SO IMPORTANT? If you’ve asked yourself the above question, you’re definitely not alone. But we must accept that the internet is now a key component in business, no matter the industry. You need to have some sort of presence online to make yourself visible to new and returning customers. Simply […]