There are countless reasons to use a Virtual Receptionist to answer calls.

10 Reasons You Should Use a Virtual Receptionist


1 – Customer Experience

Live Answering Services supply businesses with an actual person instead of an automated machine. Someone will always be available to take calls 24/7. They can also do anything and everything a receptionist does, from taking orders to answering people’s questions about your services. Whatever it is that your business needs to communicate over the phone, Live Answering Services can do it. This leaves your customers in very capable hands.

2 – Return On Investment

Not only do Live Answering Services pick up the phone, they offer friendly and reliable services to your customers, making sure they come back for more. The people who work for these companies are qualified to make appointments, offer advice, and give the right answers. Because somebody is always available to answer the phone, no calls will ever be missed, which means no clients will be lost. In the end, you’ll be making more money if you invest in virtual receptionist services.

3 – Positive Buzz

Give your clients a reason to talk about you.Having someone available to take every call will ensure that your business receives positive feedback. Potential clients will love the fact that they can always get in touch with a real person to talk to and get answers to their questions. People definitely prefer talking to a real person instead of an answering machine. It’s not typical for businesses to have someone answer the phone outside of traditional business hours, so your customers will likely brag to their friends about your company’s above-and-beyond service. They’ll refer people to you, and your business will continue to grow.

4 – Multilingual Service

Most Live Answering Services have employees available that speak different languages. This isn’t something that many smaller or medium-sized businesses offer, so if your virtual receptionist can speak to someone in their preferred language, your company will be doing something extra special. It’s important for companies to attract many different ethnicities, especially if you offer services across a vast geographic area. It’s key that every potential client, no matter the language, is able to receive the help that they need. With a Live Answering Service, you’d be able to do just that.

5 – Reduced Costs

While most Live Answering Services have a monthly fee, it’s far cheaper than having to put a person on full-time payroll. With Live Answering Services, you’re only paying when you actually use the service. You’re not paying somebody to just sit at their desk all day waiting for the phone to ring. If their service is not needed, you’re not paying. In the long run, answering services will increase your profits from sales and save you money at the same time.

6 – Customized Service

When you use a Live Answering Service, you can customize what you want the receptionists to do or say. You’re able to write scripts for different scenarios and answers to frequently asked questions. By doing this, you’re ensuring that all your business needs get met. As long as you prepare them, the virtual receptionists will know what to do and say. Even if you don’t provide a script for every potential conversation, these are professionals experienced in communicating with customers over the phone. They’ll know the most effective things to say when there is no answer provided.  

7 – Keeping up Appearances

To put it bluntly, a Live Answering Service makes your business look good to customers. When you have a receptionist answering calls 24/7, it can make your business seem bigger than it actually is. The fact that calls are answered outside normal hours by a live person combined with the assumption that you are too busy to answer all the calls yourself tells the customer that your business is successful. If potential clients are constantly getting your voicemail or an endless ringing phone, your company seems less reliable and legitimate. Live Answering Services boost confidence in your company and make it appear larger and more powerful.

8 – Less Waste

As mentioned, with Live Answering Services, you only pay for the services that your company requires. Instead of having one person available to answer the phone, Live Answering Services have several people available if more than one person try calling at once. If a regular receptionist were to get swamped, clients would be put on hold and not every person would get the help that they need. Or, on the other end of the spectrum, if it’s a slow week and not that many people call, you’re still paying for your in-house receptionist to just sit there. Live Answering Services make sure each client gets taken care of while ensuring that you’re using your business resources wisely.

9 – Less Frustration

Give your customers someone nice to talk to.Clients can get frustrated when trying to get in touch with a business if their always being sent to voicemail or being put on hold. And to further the frustration of not being able to call during business hours, a client might think your receptionist sounds annoyed or rude. All businesses go through busy times when employees might be put under extra stress. However, if this comes through in a phone call even just a little, it can easily lose you a client. With Live Answering Services, your clients or potential customers will always be met with a friendly voice at the other end of the phone. These virtual receptionists will not be bogged down with the daily stresses of your industry, and will be able to answer each call with a calm demeanor.

10 – Fewer Complaints

Most complaints against businesses are caused by poor customer service. This relates to the point made above; if your customers are always talking to voicemail or to a stressed out receptionist, they’re not going to be happy with your business. However, a virtual receptionist can answer every call and provide a kind and objective ear to your clients. If there’s always someone there to hear what a customer has to say, they’ll be far less likely to complain, take their business elsewhere, or write a bad review about your company. This means more positive reviews and more business.

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