Writing a Press Release is Easier than You Think

Get More Exposure Online With a Press Release


A press release is a great way to provide more online exposure for your business. It’s a relatively simple thing that anyone can do, and plus, it’s free advertising!

A press release is an official release of information from a company to a media organization or any type of entity that conveys information to the public. Press releases give the media the content they need to write an article or announcement to publish online, in print, on TV or the radio, and elsewhere. If a media organization chooses to print an article based off of your press release, your company benefits from the brand exposure as well as exposure of any new products or services being described in the article.

For example, let’s say Microsoft writes a press release announcing a new version of its popular Microsoft Windows operating system. The press release should provide all the important details about the new product, such as the release date, the cost, the new features, and so on. The media receiving it then uses the information to write an article about the release of the new software.


Microsoft, by using the press release to help disseminate information about its new product, has just taken advantage of some free advertising. Just one press release can be sent to countless media outlets, like newspapers, blogs, magazines, television news channels, and more. Many articles can then be generated on different types of media, if those receiving the release find it newsworthy. Microsoft is a huge company, but a small company can write just as good of a press release and send it out to whomever they wish. Your small business might not have all the same contacts as a PR professional at Microsoft, but most media companies will put their contact information online for you to find. Plus, the smaller, more local media outlets that are easier to contact might be your best bet, if you’re selling products or services locally. Once you get some articles or announcements published, you get the eyes of all the consumers of that media on your business. This can result in an increase in sales, a boost in website visits, and an influx of contacts wanting to know more about your company.

Press Release How ToOf course, some press releases will naturally gain more exposure than others.  A press release about a company or product that affects or influences a greater number of people will likely gain more exposure in the national media. And a well-written press release will definitely gain more exposure than a poorly written one. To make the most of a press release, carefully craft it and be sure to have it checked for grammar and syntax. You should also look for ways to make it interesting to the greatest number of people possible. What makes your announcement newsworthy? Why would the media want to share this information? Answer these questions as you write. There must be a compelling reason for your announcement to be shared. A press release that’s exciting and of broad interest will be most effective.

A press release can provide a boost in sales, but a boost in online exposure resulting from it can be just as helpful down the line. Many media outlets nowadays are online based, which means customers can be linked directly from articles to your website. Think about your company and your products.

Do you have something special to share that may be of interest to a large population? Can you write it in a way that sheds a positive light on your company? If so, then get writing!

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today to learn more about launching your first press release!