Convert visitors to customers

The Importance of Good Lead Conversion


Lead conversion is the process of converting a lead into a contact and, eventually, into revenue. In terms of online business, it’s the process of ensuring that a good percentage of website visitors become customers, thus driving sales. Inevitably, not everyone who visits your site will buy your product. But if you provide a conversion-centered website and keep your conversion rate within a good range, you’ll be set up for success.

For most businesses, the key task in lead conversion is gathering sales contacts. If you thoroughly research your market and invest your resources where demand for your services is strongest, you’ll have a greater chance of turning visitors into contacts. One common and effective way to convert a visitor into a contact is through a form on your website offering the visitor the chance to “learn more” about the services. You can offer a free consultation or free trial, alternatively, if it’s more appropriate for your business, you can simply have users sign up for your newsletter or mailing list.




By increasing your conversion rate, you’ll gain:


Increased Profit

A higher conversion rate means increased sales and profits for your business. Sales are the core measure of achievement for any business. Working toward better lead conversion is important so you have enough income to sustain your company. There’s not much else to say about that. However, increased sales are not the only reason to focus the design of your website around lead conversion.


More Market Knowledge

When you have good lead conversion, you get more than just sales. You get to know the nature of your market. The response you get from your visitors, even when they don’t purchase anything from you, can be vital to improving your services. You might not get a sale from each contact form ticket, but you might get an important piece of information. Maybe there’s something important missing from your offerings or maybe you are missing out on a new type of your service. This information can help you adapt to what your potential customers are looking for. You’ll also get to know customer tastes regarding competitive products and the marketing strategies they use to drive their sales. This will help you stay a step ahead.


Improved Customer Relations

Good lead conversion also helps in creating good relationships with customers. Business is not only about making money but also about making contacts. If you’re website is designed in a way that makes it easy for visitors to reach out to you, they will. And when you pay attention to your customers, their trust in your brand grows. As we’ve already touched upon, you can learn a lot from your customers once you have established a back-and-forth with them.


Lower Advertising Costs

When you website is constructed to better convert visitors into contacts, you’ll be gaining a larger amount of sales from daily website visits. In turn, you’ll end up spending less on desperate marketing attempts. A website with bad lead conversion is like a fishing net with holes in it. You won’t catch as many fish, so you’ll end up having to make more trips out to the river. Sew up those holes in your net, and you’ll save expenses on those fish that used to slip out of the holes (in website terms, we’d call those ‘bouncing visitors’). Learning more about what your customers want from you, as we discussed above, will also save you on advertising costs.

Increase website conversion rate for more sales
These women are some of the first experts on bouncing visitors.


To-Do List

There’s a few simple things you can do to work toward better lead conversion:

  • 1) Get a website designed to be easy-to-use and focused on lead conversion.
  • 2) Include a contact form on your site which will save each curious visitor to your contacts.
  • 3) Hire a receptionist, or use a live answering service so customers can reach your business 24/7.

When these three things are put into place, more visits to your website will end in sales, and your revenue will soar.