Google marketing and adwords

Google Marketing is More Important Than Ever


Google marketing is becoming increasingly popular. Brick-and-mortar marketing tactics, like print ads and mailers, have been slowly going out of style, as more and more business owners turn to Google to boost sales. With Google’s huge user base and simple set-up, business owners have found it to be the best choice for building a larger client list and better brand recognition.



Marketing with cold-calling or social media is no longer working for many businesses.  People will ignore the calls or report social media posts as spam if they see them on their Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter feeds. Many methods of marketing are no longer worth spending a lot of time or effort on. But Google Marketing is definitely worth the investment. It has proven to work for many businesses, and it will continue to be a viable option because of how easy it is for both businesses and potential customers to use and navigate Google products.


Google is less like a business and more like an empire nowadays; it has ties in with YouTube, it has its own email base, and it has its own social media network, so why wouldn’t you be interested in Google Marketing? If you still need convincing to sign up, we have some good reasons for you below. 



There are a whole lot reasons to focus on Google Marketing for increasing your business, but here are 4 big ones:


  • Google has a huge user base. Current estimates show 3.5 billion searches are made on Google each day. Think about millions and millions of people seeing your online advertisements; simple math can tell you millions of views guarantees a good amount of clicks and a significant increase in your customer base.


  • Your advertisements can’t be ignored. If you have ads on Google, you won’t have to worry about people hiding or ignoring them entirely. This is a big step up from advertising on Facebook or other social media websites, where people have the option to hide your posts.


  • It’s easy to get started. Google marketing has a fairly simple setup process, so you won’t be spending hours, let alone days, trying to get your advertisement out there. If you already have your online ads ready, you just set it up and let it do its magic. As long as you ensure that your site is primed with plenty of SEO content, you’ll have success coming your way.


  • It’s simply the way of the future. Just about all of us are on the internet everyday, and much of that time is spent within Google’s kingdom. The bottom line is that other ways of marketing are going out of style. Most, in fact, are obsolete, from newspaper ads to Facebook ads. If you want to move forward with the world, promote your business with Google.

Google marketing and adwords



All of these reasons converge to show that, with Google Marketing, you are practically destined to bring in more customers and strengthen your business.